Sciatica is a symptom of spinal disorder and it creates persistent pain that travels down through the nerve and it may be related to many areas of your pain. The sciatic nerve is one of the largest nerves in the human body. It begins at the lower back and runs vertically downward into the back of the thigh, behind the knee and then goes into the calf muscles and the feet.
Baltimore chiropractor Dr. Michael Dorn says, "often times a bulging or ruptured disc can irritate the sciatic nerve which can then cause pain, tingling, or numbness through the extensions of the nerve throughout the lower back and lower body." The most common symptom associated with sciatica is pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, from the lower back and down one leg; however, symptoms can vary widely depending on where the sciatic nerve is affected.
Some patients may experience a mild tingling, or a dull ache, or even a burning sensation, typically on one side of the body. Other patients also say they experience a pins-and-needles sensation, most often in the toes or foot, or numbness or muscle weakness in the affected leg or foot. Pain from sciatica often begins slowly, gradually intensifying over time. In addition, the pain can worsen after prolonged sitting, sneezing, coughing, bending, or other sudden movements.
A visit to the chiropractic office of Baltimore Back and Pain Center will help determine a proper treatment plan to reduce or obliterate the pain that you are experiencing. Depending on the cause of the sciatica, a chiropractic treatment plan may cover several different treatment methods. Chiropractic spinal adjustments have proven to be very effective in reducing and possibly eliminating nerve irritation and pain. Other treatment options that may be used include trigger point therapy or instrumented-assisted soft tissue therapy. From a simple adjustment to spinal decompression, Dr. Dorn has helped hundreds of patients in the Baltimore area escape the pain from sciatica.