Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Gardening Tips for Avoiding Back Pain from Baltimore Back and Pain Center

Spring has finally sprung in Baltimore and many of us are looking forward to getting outside and sprucing up our yards, tending to our flower beds and just gardening in general. However, gardening is one of the first activities of the spring season where we subject ourselves to sudden bursts of activity and really put our backs at risk.

As much as we look forward to getting out in the garden, we're not looking forward to feeling sore after all the kneeling, pulling, leaning and twisting. After a long winter of not moving our bodies this way, it’s important to prepare our spine, joints, and muscles.

Dr. Michael Dorn of Baltimore Back and Pain Center offers a few tips to help you have a relaxing, enjoyable, and pain-free spring gardening season:
  • Warm Up and Stretch: As with any form of exercise, stretching must be done before and after the activity. Stretching should target your back and core, shoulders and arms, and leg muscles.
  • Minimize Repetitive Motions: Alternating tasks is a good way to break up the repetitive motions.
  • Digging/Raking: Make sure you keep the shovel or rake in front of you and avoid twisting motions. If you need to get to an area on the side, re-position yourself to keep the shovel in line with your body.
  • Kneel, Don't Bend: When you bend for a prolonged time, the ligaments in your back are overstretched. To avoid this from happening, keep your back straight like a plank. If you have to bend down, hinge at your hips and keep your spine straight. Use a kneeling pad to protect your knees.
  • Lifting: If you are transporting heavy pots or planters, use a wheelbarrow. When you are lifting to put them in the wheelbarrow, make sure to get the power from your legs instead of your back and never twist while holding heavy objects.
  • Rest and Hydrate: Make sure you take breaks to stand up straight and stretch about every 15-30 minutes. Bring a water bottle outside with you to stay hydrated.
  • Prevention: If you find that you are still feeling sore or stiff, it is time to consider Chiropractic care and give our Baltimore chiropractic office a call at 410-662-4476 to schedule an appointment for a free chiropractic evaluation.